YouTuber’s pet fish commit credit card fraud on stream-

Watch your aquariums: the fish know how to make digital purchases now.

YouTuber Mutekimaru runs a 24/7 livestream of their pet fish playing Pokémon games. Think Twitch Plays Pokémon, except the fish are playing Pokémon via a camera and motion tracking software. They swim over a grid of Nintendo Switch inputs which are then sent to the console. In 2020, the fish managed to finish Pokémon Sapphire in about 3,195 hours. Unimpressive, frankly: I could do it in 30.

Last month, about five hours into the stream, Pokémon Violet crashed while Mutekimaru was away and the fish were left sitting on the Switch’s main menu. With a whole world of possibilities in front of them, the fish navigated their way to the Nintendo eShop and used the saved credit c…