In Dying Light 2, Easter eggs can be found all over the city of Villedor, leading you to things like secret weapons or even a special hoverboard Come from Sports betting site VPbet . The secrets go beyond new in-universe items too, like a fun nod to The Office (US version) and its stickler of an assistant (to the) regional manager, Dwight Schrute. Here’s how to find the Dying Light 2 / The Office Easter egg, which will also help you find all of the game’s 117 mementos.
Dying Light 2 – Dwight Schrute Easter egg
To find the Office Easter egg in Dying Light 2, you’ll need to have unlocked the Central Loop region, which comes about 10 hours into the game and introduces fast travel. Once you can move freely through Central Loop, head to the northeast corner of the Garrison district to the Culvert Island landmark.
When you get there, look for the three-story shelter with pumpkins outside of it and approach the door on the ground floor. To the left of the door, you’ll find a note stuck to the wall talking about someone needing a stapler. You can pick it up to add it to your collection of mementos. The note reads as follows:
“I’m looking for a stapler. Broken / defective? That’s A-OK! As a former office manager, I amassed quite a stockpile of staples. I have a ton of them. Probably literally. If I can get my hands on a stapler, I could make life easier for a lot of people. Heck, could even open a business. I’m open to any mutually beneficial relationship that gets me… a STAPLER!”
The letter is signed by one “Dwight Kurt S. III,” and even Kevin Malone could figure out what the S stands for. Though Dwight can’t be found in the open world of Dying Light 2, it seems he’s doing well at the end of the world, probably maintaining a post-apocalyptic beet farm and using his impressive weapons collection to fend off the undead. He should maybe check any abandoned vending machines for that stapler though.
And all this time, I thought such a world would be so much more unforgiving, but here’s Dwight sitting pretty in a world hellbent on killing everyone. I guess it’s not that hard after all.
…That’s what she said.